The Bitpowr API uses standard HTTP response codes. Any response code with a 2xx status indicates the request succeeded. However, a response code in the 4xx range indicates an error with the data provided.

When your application encounters a 4xx error, it's essential to handle it programmatically. You can do this by referring to the error description.

On the other hand, if you receive a 5xx error, it means we have encountered an error in our software, which we will work to fix immediately.

A table of status codes and their meanings can be found below.

2xx Success

Status CodeDescription
200 OKThe request succeeded.
201 CreatedThe request succeeded, and the new resource was created.
202 AcceptedThe request has been accepted for processing, but the processing still needs to be completed.

4xx Client Errors

Status CodeDescription
401 UnauthorizedThe API key was invalid.
403 ForbiddenThe account does not have access to the requested resource, or the request is blocked for security reasons.
404 Not FoundThe resource that was requested could not be found.
409 ConflictThe request conflicts with another request.
413 Payload Too LargeThe request exceeds the maximum supported size (25 MB).
422 Unprocessable EntityData was invalid or missing the required parameters.
429 Too Many RequestsThe account has issued too many requests.

5xx Server Errors

Status CodeDescription
500 Internal Server ErrorOur server encountered an error while processing your request. We will be notified and work on a fix immediately.
502 Bad GatewayOur server encountered an error while processing your request. We will be notified and work on a fix immediately.
503 Service UnavailableOur server encountered an error while processing your request. We will be notified and work on a fix immediately.
504 Gateway TimeoutOur server encountered an error while processing your request. We will be notified and work on a fix immediately.