Here you can find the basics of interacting with the Bitpowr Developer API.

Through the API your application can create and manage crypto wallets, assets, and addresses. Our API is organized around REST, and designed to use resource-oriented URLs and HTTP response codes to indicate API errors.


Authentication is handled using your public/secret key token or API key included in the Authorization header of each request. Please create an account or contact bitpowr support to get your keys.


All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail. The Authorization header must be sent for every request unless stated otherwise. Not doing so will result in an unauthorized response.

Using Public and Secret Key

This uses the public and secret keys of your account to gain access to your account using the API. To use this, you would need to concat them in this format {public_key:secret_key} and encode it to base64 encoding before passing it to the header. This method gives you admin access to your account and won't be able to restrict keys

Authorization: Bearer <ENCODED_TOKEN>

API Keys

You can create API Keys in your dashboard and use it to authorize your API Requests. You can restrict which account and permissions an API Key access. API Key does not have admin access to your account and should be solely for interacting with specifics accounts.

Authorization: Basic <API_KEY>


The mode and network of the account basically depend on the keys you are using to authorize. To connect to the mainnet environment, ensure your keys are for LIVE mode and if you want to test use the TEST keys. In Production, ensure you are using the LIVE keys which make your account interact with the mainnet Network.

Rate Limiting

If too many requests are received using the same access token, that access token will be throttled. Throttled requests will receive a response with a status code of 429 and will contain a Retry-After header that indicates how many seconds the user should wait before making additional requests. Please design your client to adhere to the Retry-After header, and not the current rate limit.

Supported Blockchains

We currently support 12 public blockchains to be used right from your API and dashboard. We are continuously adding new blockchains every day. You can look at the list here.